The practice of Melissa Sornik LCSW, PLLC offers support groups and workshops for parents and caregivers of twice exceptional children and adolescents, and for professionals working with gifted and twice exceptional individuals.Workshops are designed to meet the level of 2e experience, knowledge and understanding of group participants including those who are new to the concept of 2e. The practice offers research based practices, tools, techniques and information that parents can implement right away in the care of their children and themselves. Our systems approach to treatment is carried through in our workshops that take into consideration the need to support all family members.
Workshops are facilitated by Melissa Sornik, LCSW and the clinicians who collaborate with the practice, bringing their areas of expertise to workshops, seminars and professional development offerings. The practice also hosts events featuring guest speakers from a variety of fields relevant to gifted individuals, including those who are twice exceptional. Workshops and support groups are held onsite and online.
Parents who are interested in a SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) support group workshop model that is tailored to the needs of twice exceptional children and their families should consider signing up for Twice Exceptional Children's Advocacy's (TECA) monthly online support groups (facilitated by TECA executive director Maratea Cantarella).
Upcoming Events
When Their Superpower Is “No”
Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) In Autistic Children
with PDA North America Founder
Diane Gould
Friday, February 17th
Addressing Conflict With Your 2e Child
Four-Part Workshop (Ongoing)
“Your child can be either gifted or LD, it’s against district policy to be both.” ”