A Webinar featuring Diane Gould

Founder, PDA North America

Presented By The Clinical Practice of Melissa Sornik, LCSW PLLC


Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) has become widely recognized worldwide as a profile on the autism spectrum. It describes individuals whose main characteristic it is to avoid everyday demands and expectations to an extreme extent that may be accompanied by high levels of anxiety. It is important to recognize and understand this distinct profile as it has implications for the way an individual can be best supported.

This webinar will provide an understanding of the PDA profile of autism and will cover the following topics:

  • Characteristics of individuals who fit the PDA profile

  • What life is like for a PDAer and their family

  • How PDA differs from typical ASD and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)

  • What supports and strategies are effective for this population

  • What is not effective to support this population

  • How to support a PDAer when they are in crisis

  • Why it is important to recognize this profile

Diane Gould is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and the founder of PDA North America. She is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has worked for both private agencies and school systems. Diane has served as a consultant and has been a guest lecturer for many area school districts, parent associations and private agencies. She specializes in autism and has served on the Professional Advisory Board of the Autism Society of Illinois for many years. For more information about PDA North America visit pdanorthamerica.com

β€œYour child can be either gifted or LD, it’s against district policy to be both.” ”
— A school administrator to the parent of a twice-exceptional child