for professionals
Training and Professional Development - Melissa Sornik, LCSW provides both professional development and training for professionals who are either just starting their careers or those wanting to acquire an understanding of, or expanding their knowledge base about, how to work with clients who are gifted, including those who are twice exceptional. Training and professional development is available for, but not limited to, social workers, psychologists, mental health counselors, educators and administrators. Services are available both online and onsite.
Supervision - Melissa Sornik, LCSW is a SIFI certified clinician who has provided supervision for graduate students from New York University, Fordham University, Columbia University and Hunter College. Melissa offers internship opportunities for students internships, and supervision for both MSW candidates and LMSWs pursuing their clinical licensure in New York State. Further Melissa also offers peer supervision for LCSWs and other professionals wishing to hone their skills with this population.
Please contact the practice for more information, including scheduling and fees.
Workshops for professionals
2e: Understanding and Supporting a Gifted Child with Learning Challenges
Supporting Social Cognition in Gifted and 2e Individuals Through Talent Development
Working With Neurodiversity
A Comprehensive Model for Working with Twice Exceptional Individuals and Their Families
Myths of Giftedness: Realities, myths and what it means to be gifted
Understanding and Supporting Social-Emotional Needs of Twice Exceptional Children
Workshops are available both online and onsite.
Please contact the practice for more information, including scheduling and fees.