A Family-Centered Practice
The clinical practice of Melissa Sornik, LCSW is the central pillar of the Smart Practice Network (SPN) which offers an array of programs, supports and services conceptualized for neurodivergent individuals, including those who are gifted and twice-exceptional. The practice provides comprehensive services under the direction and supervision of Melissa Sornik, LCSW, a clinician and consultant who has served the gifted and twice exceptional communities since 2001.
Gifted neurodivergent individuals often experience a wide range of functioning in their social, emotional or intellectual pursuits. They do not fit into neat boxes. Along with high intelligence, emotional intensity, and unique talents, gifted individuals can also experience executive functioning challenges, sensory sensitivity, and learning disabilities. This uneven skill development often creates challenges at home, in school and across other environments. The clinical practice recognizes the importance of understanding each client in all their complexity, which in turns informs our treatment approach to working with our clients in pursuit of identifying and achieving their individual goals.
The clinical practice of Melissa Sornik, LCSW promotes the strengths & resilience of neurodivergent individuals, including those who are gifted and twice-exceptional, and their families.
Promoting strengths & resilience for all kinds of gifted individuals and their families.
Not every gifted individual excels socially and academically. Nor do they fit into neat boxes. Emotional intensities, executive functioning challenges, sensory sensitivity, unique learning styles, uneven or asynchronous skill development, and, in some cases, learning disabilities are typical in some gifted individuals and may create challenges at home, in school and across other environments. With the right supports, interventions, and understanding, gifted individuals can become self-regulated, engaged, productive, and confident.
Please contact us for information about services, fees and scheduling. The practice offers sliding scale fees on a case-by-case basis.
Ask us how we can help.
(516) 724-7100
“Talent, self-esteem, and confidence take years to develop and always remain fragile. These treasures can disappear if not nurtured and guarded. One must always protect a young person’s promise.”